Join our FREE 7-Day Spring Step Challenge

DATES: Monday, April 1st - Sunday, April 7th


- It's Free!
- Lose Weight
- Get Fit & Toned
- Improve Mental Health
- Lower Blood Sugar
- Enjoy Nature
- Walk More
- Make Friends
- Have Fun!!

What does the Step Challenge Entail?

1. 7-day free step challenge

2. Each day you'll recieve an email in the morning with the Step Goal for the specific day. (ex: on Monday morning, you will recieve an email that says "GOAL 8,000 Steps")

3. At the end of each day, you'll take a picture of your watch or take a screenshot of your phone with your total step count for the day. Then, you'll reply to that original email with your photo (proof of steps!)

4. The following morning, I will share everyone's step goals for the previous day! This is just for friendly competition!

5. You will also receive another email with the new Step Goal for that specific day.

6. At the end of the 7 days (on Monday morning the 8th), I will announce the winner with the most steps. The winner will receive a prize!

*Feel free to tag me on IG (@type1.tribe) of you walking / dancing / playing a sport, etc. for a re-share!!**

Questions about the Step Challenge? Contact customer support at